Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Clipper Card Discloses 1700+ Customer Email Addresses

This morning, I logged in to an email from Clipper warning me that the credit card I use for auto-load is expiring in December. I might appreciate the gesture, given all the crap I went through trying to change my billing information earlier this year, except for one thing: the email addresses for the other 1700+ customers who received this email were all plainly visible.

This is a huge security breach from a company that already has its fair share of problems. A round of angry "reply alls" ensued, other customers calling to be credited, complaining of billing woes (like my own), and that Clipper cards only work half the time. My favorite:

CC to a 1,764 'secure' emails? Really? Welcome to 1995. Good job.

As of this writing, no statement from Clipper, or even a customary apology on the email thread, with a promise to investigate the situation. Yet another customer service fail.